Unspoken Pleasure (erotica) -
Biology Lessons: 6
Rachel dug the ropes out of her bag and started to pass them out to the other girls that weren't holding Hannah down, causing their captive to struggle violently. "Fine," Hannah yelled in frustration, "If I tell you the truth will you let me go?" "I mean, it couldn't hurt," Amber said noncommittally, motioning for the girls to hold off on tying up their naked captive.
After a long moment Hannah finally spoke. "Look, he was going to leave me okay. He was getting bored, but after a threesome that just sort of happened, I realized that maybe if we spiced things up then we could keep things together..." Amber waited, and when she realized that Hannah wasn't going to say anymore, she finally said, "So that's it? Just good clean fun gone wrong?"
"Look, I'm sorry if I hurt any of you," Hannah said, turning on the waterworks, "I didn't mean to. I know I was being selfish, but it wasn't all bad right? Right?"
"Can you give me the..." Amber asked, but Rachel had already read her mind and was handing her the notebook. "Thank you. That makes sense Hannah, but I feel like you left out just one little detail out of your little plan." "No," She whined. "I'm telling you the truth."
"If that was the truth, then you'd think all the times you brought another girl back to your place would be random... or at least mostly on weekends or something. But when we stacked up all the dates we'd been tricked into your bed, we noticed a different sort of pattern." Amber took her time, drawing out the details for her audience of coconspiritors. You see, it looks like every 4th week you have a couple of dates lined up with other women. Almost like that's the week you're fertile and..."
"It's a coincidence" Hannah interrupted "We just invited another woman over when we were in the mood and..."
"So it's not because your man has a breeding fetish, and that week was far too dangerous to play out his twisted fantasies with your own womb, so you might as well borrow someone else's?" Amber interrupted, accusing Hannah of yet another monstrous act. "If I'm right then you're probably ovulating right now, or tomorrow at the latest. If you're telling the truth though..."
"I just finished my period a couple days ago," Hannah interjected, "I'm safe for another week at least, so you're way off base."
"Well, if that's true then our revenge will fail, and Monday you can go back to your life only a little worse for the wear." Amber said as she gestured for everyone to get to work tying her down.
"Revenge? I thought you were going to let me go? What are you going to do to me you crazy bitch?" Hannah snapped, trying to break free as she felt her limbs being tied down to the bed.
"What are we going to do? Exactly what you tried to do to us, you evil cunt," Amber announced, "I put out ads on a few of the local kink communities that I was a hot young college coed that wanted some anonymous risky breeding, and I invited any guys that could show they were clean to come by and use me for their pleasure, that's all."
Hannah stopped struggling when Amber started speaking. She grew paler with each word as she continued. By the time she finished her jaw was slack and she was stunned. "You can't be serious. I'll go to the police. You'll all end up in prison." Hannah was talking past Amber now, to the other girls, trying to find a weak link that would chicken out so they'd have to call the whole thing off. It was a smart plan, but Amber had already prepared for this.
"Talk to me bitch," Amber snapped. "Those girls - they were never here. As soon as you're tied down, they're going out to establish a nice alibi for us. If you talk to the police... well, all you'll be doing is getting you and your boyfriend a pile of rape charges, because while you'll never be able to prove that Isabelle and I weren't just here to help you live out your twisted little fantasy of being bred by strangers, We'll all certainly be able to cry in court about what you and Brian did to us. Maybe you can cry your way out of a guilty verdict, but a guy like that will be in prison for decades."
Hannah opened her mouth to respond, but Isabella picked that moment to put in the ball gag, finally shutting up the dumb bitch. Amber looked to the other girls around the room, and when she saw no signs of cold feet she finally said, "All right. You all know the plan. Get out of here before the guys start to arrive.
After that, there wasn't much they needed to do. They started the video camera, and then hid it on a high shelf with a good view of everything that was about to happen. Then Isabelle and Amber took turns writing terrible things on Hannah's body until the Men started to knock. Amber wrote CUMDUMP across the pretty blonde girl's pussy, so Isabelle wrote MILK BAGS across her tit's. To this they added a smattering of other terrible words across her belly and the inside of her thighs: SINGLE MOTHER TO BE, RUIN ME, STATISITC, RAPE MEAT, FUCKDOLL, WORTHLESS, and BREEDER. They were having a great time and would have easily continued to deface their tormentor for another hour while Hannah moaned impotently through her ball gag if they hadn't heard the knock.
Reluctantly Amber got up, put on a domino mask and walked to the door to greet their first guest, knowing that while she did that, Isabelle would be putting the paper bag over Hannah's head that read BUTTERFACE BREEDER, with a big smiley face drawn haphazardly where the girl's actual face would be. At the last minute they'd decided to cut small holes in the bag so that Hannah would be able to see glimpses of the men that were going to use her. Isabelle was sure that the uglier the guys were the more she'd hate it, and Amber went along with it because she thought it would make the finale that she'd planned even better.
Amber opened the door to find an older man, who was probably only a little younger than her dad. He was a little overweight, but not as hideous as she'd hoped their first donor would be. Amber let him in, reviewed the offered paperwork, and then led him down the hall to Hannah. He'd been excited before he saw the slut he was going to get to fuck, but afterwards, he couldn't take his pants off fast enough. "Take your time," Amber said, as Isabelle went to answer the door again after the doorbell, "You've got at least five minutes to fuck her. The only rules are that you can't leave any marks, you can only use her cunt, and all your cum has to end us inside her. Isn't that right baby?" While Amber talked she walked over to Hannah and sat down on the edge of the bed, holding her bound hand while Hannah tried to scream through the gag without success.
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